Digital Imaging Sciences and Technologies pose significant challenges to economic and academic players who need to design innovative methods and new services for the information society.
The challenge is to create, model, analyze, index, animate, protect, manipulate, enrich, encode, distribute and visualize heterogeneous and complex contents for economically viable emerging services.

Echoing these emerging technological issues in the information society and anticipating key technologies, the new state-of-the-art program on High Tech Imaging (HTI) aims at providing students with the knowledge, skills and competencies required to master the following properties and constraints:

  • scalability in the context of very large-scale databases
  • management of asynchronism
  • user-friendly and intuitive interactivity
  • confidentiality and security
  • end-user access to his/her personalized environment irrespective of the platform type (PDA, notebook, PC) or location (local or remote access)
  • adaptation of quality of service according to available resources: transmission, processing, display capacities, etc.

The HTI program is designed for graduate students seeking employment as R&D engineers, project managers, technical IT managers and chief technology officers at an international (regional or global) scale, in any of the following competence area:

  • deploying consumer video software;
  • designing, implementing, testing, and validating new services for HDTV;
  • up-grading and enlarging multimedia codecs and frameworks embedded on feature phones;
  • integrating advanced data mining algorithms in (very) large scale searching engines;
  • developing on-line games in heterogeneous environments (PC, PDA, cell phones, ...);
  • conduct product design and development for medical imaging.

In order to allow students to own global expertise in the digital image production chain and to act as a driving force defeating new engineering and strategic challenges raised by the European ICT industry, the HTI curriculum is focussed on the mutual analysis-exchange, analysis-enrichment, enrichment-exchange interactions, and is structured along the following three directions:

  • to analyse visual content: modelling, reconstruction, shape / motion / texture segmentation, etc.
  • to enrich multimedia stream: indexing, protection, animation, interactivity, enhanced reality, etc.
  • to exchange digital data: compression, transmission, visualization, interoperability, etc.

In this rapidly-evolving technological context, characterized by unknown or unstable economic models, teaching relies on a tight partnership with the leading French and European industrials of the digital imaging field, including Alcatel, Bouygues Télécom, SFR, Orange Labs, Thalès, EADS, Philips, General Electric, and Thomson Multimedia. Since March 2011, the HTI industrial-academic synergies are reinforced by a “Comité de Parrainage” regrouping 12 French personalities catering for the needs and expectations of the HTI students.

The teaching team (in charge for both lectures and laboratory works) brings together professors from Télécom SudParis, professionals from IT institutions and industry, lawyers and experts from standardization bodies.